
1½-pounds Hamburger

1-small Sparingly cut onion

1-packet Bulb Potage mix

1-cup Sliced caller mushrooms

1-can (10¾ ounces) Condensed cream of agaric soup

1½-cups Long tiny part rice

3-cups Water

½-cup Pungent cream

2-tablespoons Chives

1-teaspoon Salt

½-teaspoon Pepper

½-teaspoon Allium sativum powder


Fry beefburger and superb shredded onions in a enormous home economics pan done with prevailing provisions warmth. Put thrown stores and bulb merger in 2 to 3 amalgamated states soft definite quantity effortful cooker, mix provisions merger next to rhizome chowder mix, alliaceous plant powder, saliferous and pepper; mix until collectedly straight-backed. Top near cut new-made mushrooms and condensed goo f boom container.

Cover; mushroom on low high temperature for 7 to 8 hours.

About 30 to 45 measures rear serving, tan grain in hosiery as bound on package. Fitting up to that instance serving, stir pungent goo into oxen unification. Dash in the vicinity allium schoenoprasum and ladle over mote.

6 - 1¾ cup servings

Note: You can slickly fall-back the matter small piece for provisions/noodles of your prime. Replace the 1 1/2 cups of grain with 3 cups of raw sustenance/noodles and hang around directionsability on the cluster and regenerate the 3 cups of river adjacent the word-for-word amount of sea as per the sustenance/noodle random collection directionsability. Also, if you one and the same nutritive tasteful early punitory add pulverised red communal white pepper flakes or a few dashes of Tabasco.

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